Have you ever wanted to experience a silent, contemplative wilderness retreat?
Imagine a week - all to yourself - in the incredible Mt. Shasta area. A time for rest, relaxation and reflection. Are you ready to give yourself that gift?
If so, the Summer Workshop Series & Wilderness Retreat will profoundly change your experience of yourself and your life.
Join us in-person or online (register for zoom link) on Wednesday, March 19 at 6pm, for an introduction and informational meeting about the Institute's Summer Workshop Series, herbal cleanse and week-long wilderness retreat.
You'll learn what this amazing adventure entails, what you'll need, and what to expect from a summer devoted to self-awareness and awakening. We also invite you to stay on after the Info Session to experience our 7-9pm Community Class to get a deeper sense of our programs.
Covid Policy: To help keep our community healthy, please stay home and join online if you have Covid or other cold/flu symptoms, or have had any recent exposure or positive test. To request the zoom link, please fill out this quick form.