Tuesday, January 28, 2025
6:30-8:30 pm PT
Free Online Class
Come join us for an experiential exploration of YOUR sun sign. Discover your core energy and its potential for self-expression, catalyzing positive changes in your life!
We will enjoy:
Guided meditation
One-on-one and group sharing
Q&A with experienced astrologers
Introduction to natal charts with an easy, relatable focus

Sign up below for this FREE opportunity to experience yourself deeply.
Ready to go deeper? Doors are open to our astrology classes!
No, there will not be a recording available. This is an interactive class designed for in-the-moment learning and growth, so LIVE attendance (with your Zoom camera on) is key. Please plan to attend the full 2-hour session to make the most of your experience.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at astrology@awarenessinstitute.org.
Mark the date on your calendar so you don’t miss it! Register and check your email for the zoom link 24 hours in advance. Keep a notebook nearby as you may want to jot down notes. Plan to be in a place where you can have your camera turned on and connect to good wifi.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at astrology@awarenessinstitute.org.
We're a nonprofit organization run by volunteers and deeply appreciate any contributions to help us sustain our classes.