Freedom is calling you back to life
At last, the summer heat has begun to fade and it’s almost time to experience the joys of Autumn! One such delight is the new “Fall Into Freedom” two-part workshop, which begins October 20th at 7pm. Drawing on more than 30 years of working with groups through classes, workshops, and retreats, we’ve created a relaxed, supportive, and illuminating process to help you see – as never before – how you got to be the way you are, what you’ve become through time and experience, and what you’d like to create in the years ahead.
After reading this message, we hope you’ll choose to join with us and reconnect with the source of energy and inspiration needed to fully embrace the life you were meant to live! Of course, the first step has to begin with you. The time is now...and Freedom is calling you back to life....
Even before Covid, the complexity and accelerating pace of modern life was stressful, if not overwhelming, depending on the circumstances you were living with. As the pandemic evolved, we were all forced to adapt and change, and then learn how to cope with uncertainty as we stepped into protective isolation, whether alone or in family/friend groupings. Negativity, doubt, and fear made a comeback as vaccines, ventilators, and death tolls became the unwelcome reality. Many, if not most of us regressed back into the fearful fantasies and self-protective patterns we’d taken on as children. Through the Covid debacle, we were compelled – by the pervasive threat of an invisible mutating virus – to feel the fears and insecurities we had learned to control and contain with our adaptive routines and coping strategies. While truly disastrous for some, the ongoing worldwide upheaval has been difficult and disorienting for all of us.
Are we simply unwitting victims, or could there be an underlying method to the madness we've endured? For those of us at AI, the pandemic disruption is a uniquely perfect response to a world filled with despair and disillusionment. Ubiquitous polls tell us that most of us would prefer to live lives other than the ones we find ourselves living! That might include you and your life experience as well...
If you find yourself longing and hoping for a new beginning, a true beginning, this is your time – and you've come to the right place. In truth, the Covid disruption has helped us see through our limiting beliefs, discover deeper understanding, and expand our expectations with new perspectives. Seeds of change are growing and developing in all of us...we just have to find the inspiration and courage to give expression to what we now know to be real and true! A new epoch is emerging from the ignorance and oppression of the past. Being part of this emergence is the key to living an exciting, fulfilling, and enjoyable life.
You – and anyone you believe would benefit from this insightful and liberating process – are warmly invited to share the upcoming "Fall Into Freedom" weekends with us. Learn more and register for both weekends, or contact us to explore possible options for attending one.
Thank you for the gift you bring to life. Looking forward to sharing more with you in the month ahead!
With gratitude,
John & the Awareness Team